Tourist Information Centre
Tourist Information centre is located on the Campus Road, Laharepipal, near to Bus Park. Apart from providing information to the tourists about the district the centre also provides other services such as booking hotels and air tickets and hiring taxis.
GETUP PALPA , located at Bhagawati Tole is the short form of Group for Environment and Tourism Upgrading Palpa. It is a non governmental organization working for the promotion of tourism in Palpa. It has produced a promotional video documentary on Palpa with the cooperation of Nepal Television. It has also published a booklet "Visit Tansen", a tourist guide brochure with the help of Palpa Chamber of Commerce and Industries. For the promotion of village and community tourism it has conducted some studies and research to identify new places of interest, trekking routes and potentials of cultural and rural toursm so that the local people can get the benefits of tourism. It has also published some new trekking route sheets. Training for guides and hotels, seminars on tourism and research on community tourism are some the activities the centre plans to hold. The phone number is 075- 521341. The contact person is Mr. Man Mohan Shrestha.
GETUP PALPA , located at Bhagawati Tole is the short form of Group for Environment and Tourism Upgrading Palpa. It is a non governmental organization working for the promotion of tourism in Palpa. It has produced a promotional video documentary on Palpa with the cooperation of Nepal Television. It has also published a booklet "Visit Tansen", a tourist guide brochure with the help of Palpa Chamber of Commerce and Industries. For the promotion of village and community tourism it has conducted some studies and research to identify new places of interest, trekking routes and potentials of cultural and rural toursm so that the local people can get the benefits of tourism. It has also published some new trekking route sheets. Training for guides and hotels, seminars on tourism and research on community tourism are some the activities the centre plans to hold. The phone number is 075- 521341. The contact person is Mr. Man Mohan Shrestha.