Accommodation & Hotels


Hotel Srinagar, Palpa Durbar Hotel, The White Lake Hotel, Hotel Indreni and Restaurant , Hotel The Ranimahal and Rose Resort are the best tourist standard hotels in Tansen. Others are Gauri Shankar Guest House, Hotel Gulmeli and Restaurant, The Bajra Hotel.  
Other hotels which offer attached bathrooms are : Hotel Simrik, Hotel Dhawalagiri, Amrit Guesthouse. Hotels having rooms without attached bathrooms are New Everest Hotel, Gautam Siddhartha Hotel, Sherchan Hotel and Shringa Hotel.
There are large number of low budget guesthouses around the buspark. Some of them are: Mohan Guesthouse, Juniya Maiya Hotel, Rampur Hotel, Rambhapani Hotel, Sangam Hotel, New Gulmi Hungeli Hotel, Gulmi Malika Hotel, Sharma Hotel, Jorte Hotel, New Hira Hotel, Hotel Chherlung, Thakali Hotel and Lodge.