Prabhas/Parvas is the name of mythological place described in the great epic, Mahabharata where Yadu Bamsa, a clan to which Lord Krishna belonged, was destroyed in internal conflict. It is situated about 6 km south of Tansen, at the foot of the Shrinagar Hill.
In its southern side there is a temple of Krishna, called Bansi Gopal. The old Shivlaya lies in the west of the lake. Inside this Shivalaya there is a big stone which is covered with imprints of chakra or circles. It is said that after the death of King Muni Mukunda Sen his body turned into stone. This stone is supposed to be the head of his body and the trunk lies at Devghat, where the king spent rest of his life. On Shivaratri, the birthday of Lord shiva, a fair is held here.
There is a small pond with white lotus foyers in Prabhas/Parvas. Some entrepreneurs started Boating in this pond. The pond is surrounded by well terraced trees with a beautiful landscape.
In 2005 A.D., a medical instutute named Lumbini Medical college was established in this area is now famous for meidcal hub too.
In 2005 A.D., a medical instutute named Lumbini Medical college was established in this area is now famous for meidcal hub too.
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